Anxiety treatment that gets worrying under control.
Are You Living With Generalized Anxiety Symptoms?
Constant Worry
You might worry all the time, about everything - getting sick, getting fired, losing someone, going broke, being attacked, you name it. Your mind jumps automatically to the worst case scenario,
Physical Symptoms
You may clench your neck or shoulders or have stomach problems from living in a constant state of dread and unease. You may experience heart palpitations or even panic attacks if it gets bad enough.
Can’t Relax
You may find yourself going back and forth between “fast-paced and frantic" or “complete shut-down and overwhelm”. Your mind may be racing with tasks and problems, making it hard to relax - ever.
Top 6 Myths About General Anxiety
Most people with anxiety come up with the same strategies to try and manage it. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common tactics, (along with explanations for why these don’t work long-term).
If you’ve been relying on these rules for managing your anxiety, you might have noticed that you get short-term relief from the anxiety. However, you may have also noticed that over the long-term your anxiety has only gotten worse. You may be feeling more unwell or having more physical symptoms than you did a few years ago.
While this may seem helpful, this tactic keeps your mind and body on high alert, sending large amounts of danger signals to your brain. This can also contribute to danger bias, because your body is in a state of threat, even harmless things seem dangerous.
This tactic helps in the short-term, sure. over the long-term though, it actually makes you feel less and less capable of handling the situation. No matter how small the situation is, the more you avoid it, the more anxious you’re likely to feel about it.
There are times when worry and preparation are helpful, and MANY times when they are not. This rule makes it impossible, even “wrong,” to ever relax, even when it’s completely safe to do so.
Control and preparation go hand in hand. This idea that you can prepare for every scenario will keep you seriously busy. This tactic also reinforces the feeling that you aren’t capable of handling it if something doesn’t go as planned, making you feel more helpless and scared in the long run.
This tactic keeps you reliving a negative experience over and over, which sends more and more danger signals through the body and brain, keeping you anxious. Not to mention, the new rules you come up with may be misguided or extreme such as “Never trust anyone to handle something ever again,” which can lead to lots more anxiety and stress in the long run.
This strategy is really just another form of avoidance and while it works short-term, it often backfires. The second you stop avoiding, your anxiety is there waiting for you, hitting you like a ton of bricks. This tactic also reinforces the feeling that you can’t handle life, which simply isn’t true.
How Anxiety Treatment Can Help
Anxiety can affect major areas of your life - your relationships, work, mood, self-esteem, independence, and even your physical health. Everyone worries from time to time. Certain stressful situations, such as strained finances or poor boundaries between work and personal life, can be a bit unnerving for most people and really make you re-evaluate what you should do and how to move forward. Anxiety isn’t necessarily a problem that warrants therapy, as long as it’s mild and isn’t affecting your life. If you notice your anxiety is bothering you or if it’s negatively affecting major areas of your life, it’s time to reach out. Read on to learn more about how our team can help.
“CBT Treatment for anxiety is the “gold standard” – meaning less worry, less physical symptoms, and increased ability to relax”
Decrease Tension in Relationships
After successfully completing anxiety treatment our clients report feeling less critical, irritated, and snappy with partners and family. They often describe increased ability to “go with the flow” when things aren’t going as planned, leading to more enjoyable experiences with family and friends. Our clients also report more easily allowing others to take on tasks they previously tackled solo and feeling more able to ask for help.
Improve Work Performance
Anxiety therapy can help you perform better at work by reducing the amount of time you spend caught up in the details, or alternatively allowing you to slow down if you typically race through tasks making careless errors when you’re nervous. Our clients who were previously avoiding stressful interactions with coworkers and supervisors, often report also feeling more able to advocate for themselves in these situations.
If you’re feeling trapped or unhappy with your current career path, anxiety treatment can help you gain the skills to tackle the job search and interview process with more confidence and less overwhelm.
Raise Your Mood & Self-Esteem
Our clients who complete anxiety therapy report spending less time in a state of frantic flight or overwhelm - so they can relax more, have fun, and connect with the people in their lives, all of which can significantly improve your mood and reduce depression.
Difficulty trusting your own resources and ability to handle it if things go wrong is a common theme for people with anxiety. Anxiety treatment often helps people gain confidence in their ability to handle negative situations with a sense of trust in their own skills and judgment.
Sleep Better, Feel Better
Our clients who successfully complete anxiety treatment often report improved sleep (both the amount and the quality) because they’re no longer spending hours awake at night just thinking. Better sleep can also have a positive effect on your anxiety and mood with less irritability.
Anxiety treatment can also reduce the overall amount of physical stress in your body, leading to less physical symptoms (such as stomach aches, head aches, and muscle pain). Less physical symptoms can reduce the amount of things “on your plate” making it easier to handle the other parts of life.
Ready to Get Started?
Get In Touch With Us
Perhaps one of the hardest steps you’ll have to make by yourself is the first step of reaching out to us. Send us your info and we’ll take it from there, supporting you each step of the way.
Complete a Free Consult
You might be nervous about making phone calls or not sure what to say - either way we’ll walk you through it step-by-step in about 15 minutes. We like to be sure it’s a good fit first.
Have Your First Session
We’ll set up your first session with your therapist to complete your initial assessment. This helps to ensure we have a solid game plan from the get-go so you can feel confident in the process.
Curtiss JE, Levine DS, Ander I, et al. Cognitive-behavioral treatments for anxiety and stress-related disorders. Focus. 2021;19:184–9.