Anxiety treatment that gets results.
What’s The Good News?
Anxiety’s Highly Treatable
Research has shown that both therapy and medication based treatments can be effective forms of anxiety treatment. So you’re not stuck with these symptoms forever and medication is not mandatory.
You’re Not Alone
Rates of anxiety are rising in our modern world - so you’re hardly the odd one out. In fact, a third of adults in the US will develop an anxiety disorder at some point. We can equip you with the tools to help yourself.
This is Progress Already
Anxiety comes with a strong urge to avoid. By even looking into treatment options and considering opening up about your struggles - you’ve already taken the first step toward fighting back against your fears.
Anxiety Treatment for Your Specific Type of Anxiety
Because not all types of anxiety are the same, we offer specific treatments designed for different types of anxiety conditions. We use CBT therapy, anxiety treatment protocols backed by science, so you don’t have to worry about wasting time and money “just talking.”
General Anxiety Treatment
General anxiety, also known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, means you experience uncontrollable worry about many different things. Our CBT therapists use evidence-based techniques including CBT therapy and Acceptance and Commitment therapy to help you get a handle on your worrying. With general anxiety, your worrying can be triggered by many areas of life, instead of just one specific thing. People with general anxiety may go through periods of time feeling better only to have anxiety flare back up during major life transitions such as moving, graduating, or starting a new career. If you’re having trouble getting your mind to turn off, feel unable to relax even if you have time, and you’ve started getting irritable and critical with others - we can help. Cognitive behavioral therapy with us focuses on skills to get your worry under control and help retrain your body to relax using hacks to soothe your own nervous system.
Health Anxiety Treatment
Health anxiety means you experience uncontrollable worry about your health - and that your life is severely controlled by these worries. Health anxiety can develop with or without any sort of medical condition. Most people with health anxiety live their life focused on physical symptoms and body sensations, making it hard to think about much else. Our CBT therapists use a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy techniques to help you get a handle on your worries so you don’t have to waste healthy years consumed by worrying about possible illness.
Social Anxiety Treatment
Social Anxiety Disorder means you worry and experience physical symptoms of stress before, during, and after social situations. Our CBT therapists use a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and social skills training to help you greatly reduce anxiety in social situations. You may notice, your worry can be triggered by specific types of social situations, such as speaking up in work meetings, or it can be generalized across many types of social interactions. People with social anxiety commonly experience depression as well, as a result of feelings of low self-esteem and isolation. If you struggle with social interactions and feel like your anxiety around others is limiting your life - we can help. Our therapists focus on skills to help you build your confidence and target your obsessive thinking about what others might be thinking of you.
Panic Attack Treatment
Panic attacks mean you get a rush of physical symptoms of anxiety all at once, along with panicked thoughts and the feeling that you need to escape the situation immediately. Panic attacks can occur either as part of a condition called Panic Disorder or as a result of another anxiety condition - and treatment depends on which type of panic attacks you’re having. Often the tactics people use to get panic under control, only results in more frequent anxiety symptoms. Our CBT therapists use a combination of CBT therapy techniques to help retrain your body’s alarm system to stop going off in situations that aren’t life threatening. Panic attack treatment focuses on tools to help you interrupt the cycle of panic so you can go back to living your life freely.