5 Ways to Cope with Social Anxiety

Are you suffering from social anxiety?  Do you have difficulty when it comes to making friends, following through with social commitments, and giving presentations at work?  These issues can negatively impact your life, riddle you with worry, and make you want to stay isolated.  However, there are many ways that you can get help when you are suffering from social anxiety.  As counselors that specialize in anxiety therapy in Orlando, we work with you to cope and overcome these symptoms.  There are a few ways that you can start to cope with your social anxiety.

Treat Your Body Right

One of the most important things you need to do when you are suffering from any anxiety is to treat your body right.  By fueling your body with proper nutrition, exercising, and treating your mind right, you can place yourself in the best position possible to cope.  Get outside so that you have fresh air and a clear mind, and eat balanced meals to nourish your body.

Focus on Small Goals

Even though many people may not realize the importance of going out with friends or not cancelling your plans, you should recognize and celebrate each goal -- no matter how small.  When you set small goals, you have a better chance of following through, and this should be celebrated.  Avoid overwhelming yourself with large outings, crowds, or projects so that you can truly follow through with your plans.

Put Yourself Out There

This may sound difficult, but you will also want to give yourself a chance to try new things, meet new people, and overcome worries.  By putting yourself out there, you will be able to learn about your triggers, what works, and what doesn't.  However, if you never try something, you may never truly realize your comfort levels.  Start trying new hobbies with those you are comfortable with, and then add more new things over time.

Take Up Journaling

When you feel overwhelmed with worry, concern, or fear, it may be helpful to sit down with your thoughts and begin journaling.  By organizing your thoughts and ideas, you can have a clear mind going into the rest of your day.  Many people with social anxiety start each day with a journaling exercise so that they can rid their mind of any unnecessary negativity before the day begins.

Ask for Help

Anytime you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, you should talk to someone.  Whether you have a trusted circle of friends or family, or you need to contact a professional counselor, you will find relief knowing that others care about you and your mental health.  Having people to vent to and learn from can make a large impact on your health.

By implementing these methods into your life, you can start to cope with your social anxiety and live a more fulfilling life.  As you work on your needs in anxiety therapy in Orlando, you will be on the path towards a social lifestyle.


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