How does that make you feel?
Just kidding. Cognitive behavioral therapy isn’t just talking about your week - it’s getting down to the business of working on the patterns you really want to change, with concrete steps to get you there.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Orlando and Online, for people who want more from therapy than just a good listener.
If you're looking for cognitive behavioral therapy in Orlando, our therapists (Candice Conroy LMHC and Jessica Plate LCSW) can guide you through healing from anxiety, depression, a painful past experience, or a difficult relationship. Now offering face-to-face sessions and online video sessions for easy remote access to therapy from anywhere you've got wifi (as long as you’re in the state of Florida). We offer a combination of cbt, emotional processing, and mindfulness training that has the power to make a significant difference in your symptoms and your life.
CBT Therapy for Your Specific Concerns
Because cognitive behavioral therapy is not "one size fits all", our therapists in Orlando offer treatments designed for your unique type of anxiety, depression, or trauma. CBT Therapy treatment protocols are backed by science, so you don't have to worry about wasting your time and money “just talking.”
What to Expect from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Noticeable results
Step-by-step coping skills
Can be combined with medication, if needed
Get relief from symptoms
Proceed with a plan
Lower risk of rebound symptoms
We’ve got skills (to teach you).
One of the hardest steps you'll have to make by yourself is the first step of reaching out to us. We'll take it from there. With a CBT therapist, you’ll get just the right balance of support and encouragement that you need to see results. Our therapists in Orlando create a safe space where clients feel free to open up, often for the first time, about what they've been going through. You don't have to handle it alone it anymore — we've got you.
Candice Conroy LMHC
Candice Conroy is the owner and original therapist of Let’s Talk! Counseling and Services, providing evidence-based treatment in Orlando for 10 years. She's trained in CBT as well as somatic experiencing.
Jessica Plate, LCSW
Jessica Plate is an experienced therapist who specializes in working with adults struggling with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. She offers CBT sessions with both online and evening appointments.
Some CBT Tools to Get You Started
Hi there and welcome to our safe, judgment-free, no-shame zone. We're glad you made it.
Maybe you've been thinking you should probably “talk to someone" for a while now. Maybe your loved ones have pushed you to give it a shot. Maybe you won't talk to the people in your life because you worry you'd just be burdening them or bringing them down. Either way, you're in the right place. You can think of our sessions as your mental and emotional safety deposit box - a "room of requirement," if you will.
Regardless of what’s brought you here, consider it a victory that you're taking the first step. You're not crazy. I can tell because you have enough self-awareness to recognize when you need a fresh set of eyes on the problem. You're still working the problem. That's not crazy, that's grit.
Modern counseling, much like modern medicine, has come a long way. We know more about the mind-body connection than ever before. We know more about what traumatizes us, how patterns we learn turn into ingrained habits - and how to use CBT therapy to break through those patterns!
CBT, unlike other (less structured) forms of treatment, is often short-term, lasting only a few months. Instead of chasing happiness, we focus on making measurable progress by reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression in a concrete way. Counseling is now, more than ever, about giving you actual tools you need to sort through whatever life has handed you, so that you can move forward.
Contrary to what you might be thinking, going to counseling no longer means decades of you just laying on a couch, staring at the ceiling, talking about your dreams, while some judgy old man sits behind you scribbling doodles on a notepad. It's also not about wasting time figuring out who's fault it is that you're struggling. Blaming someone won't help anyway - regardless of whether you blame yourself or someone else.
With CBT therapy, our mission is to teach our clients how to become their own therapists – so you can take the tools with you. If you're looking to start therapy in Orlando and think we'd be a good fit, feel free to give us a call today for a free consultation to get started.
We truly look forward to meeting you.
Our Promise
If you are looking for therapy in Orlando, we're here to help. If for any reason we find that we're not a good fit to help you or your loved one, we will gladly provide you with resources to help point you in the right direction so you can connect with other therapists in Orlando who may be a better match.
How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is Different
CBT Therapy in 10 Simple Steps
CBT Therapy is not about "just talking it out" and seeing where the process takes you. Cognitive behavioral therapy begins with a plan so we're less likely to wind up going in circles. If you've never tried cognitive behavioral therapy, read on to learn more about the 10 step process...
CBT Therapy vs Old-School “Talk Therapy”
CBT is structured and goal-oriented. This means you and your therapist will go over skills to shift your thinking habits and build healthier coping skills. While we can certainly help you sort through past experiences, our focus is on the present, where change can happen…
CBT Therapy Isn’t “Just Venting”
Many people wonder how counseling is any different from talking to a friend. CBT Therapy is less about "just venting," and more focused on taking concrete steps and coping strategies. While emotional support should be a part of any mental health treatment, our therapists in Orlando focus on real tools for real change…